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The Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) is the university hospital of the Île-de-France, bringing together 38 hospitals organized into 6 university hospital groups.

We work with certain APHP hospital departments to enable better city-hospital collaboration and offer you the best care.

La French Care is a movement launched in February 2022 by Bpifrance and the association Acteurs de La French Care, aimed at uniting professionals in the health sector in France, whether public or private, around a common identity.

Its objective is to promote French excellence in training, research and innovation in health, by facilitating synergies between the various players in the sector, such as startups, hospitals, research institutes, biotechs and medtechs.


Google supports us financially and technologically in the management of our IT resources.

This support allows us to host your data on servers with Health Data Hosting certification.

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Cloudflare offers high-performance IT infrastructures and technological solutions dedicated to security.

This financial and technological support allows us to offer you secure and fast access to our tools and websites.